As a component of the commemorative activities honoring the 175th Anniversary of the presence of the Holy Cross Family – Brothers, Priests, Marianite Sisters – in Louisiana, you are invited to share your reflections on the impact that Holy Cross has had on your life. We will select 175 essays for publication that most meaningfully convey the ways in which the teachings and principles of the Holy Cross Priests, Brothers and/or Marianite Sisters have played a transformative role in your life. Essays should be limited to 500 words and should be sent to [email protected] by December 31, 2023. Approvals to publish will be requested from authors whose essays are selected.
Essay question:
Fr. Basile Moreau’s vision in his treatise Christian Education emphasized nurturing the hearts of young individuals and fostering a positive connection with their faith. How did your experience with the Family of Holy Cross (Priests, Brothers, Marianites) form your heart, develop your faith, and transform your life to make you the person you are today?