Dear Raising Canes: An Open Letter From a Hungry Student

Dear Raising Canes,

I have been a patron of your establishment for a very long time. I can remember eating the kid’s combo when I was very little, and now at 17 years old I still very much enjoy your food. I frequent your business and always order my go-to: a Caniac Combo with a large lemonade. Just writing this letter has my mouth watering. Your recipes are tasty, the service is impeccable, and your portions are on point…at least, they used to be. As the years have gone by, I’ve noticed a significant modification in the size of the chicken tenders – they seemed to have decreased in size. I remember when the chicken tenders would take up the entire width of its compartment in the signature red and white Styrofoam box. What used to be a filling meal spilling out of my box is now almost half that size, and honestly, I’m not here for it.

Now, this might sound a bit dramatic, but it is hard to enjoy eating your food now. The chicken is smaller. What once used to take me several bites can now be devoured in just one or two. Why, Canes?! Why?! You had to know this would upset your patrons. People were willing to pay the money they were already forking over for all of your delicious food. But, giving them less food for the same price will only upset us regulars. And, let’s not forget the recent increase of the price of the Caniac Combo! Customers were already paying $11 for this popular meal. Then you went and increased the price to $13?!  How can you justify that? First the gas prices, now you, Canes!?  If anything, you should have lowered your prices given these rough times. You are asking people to pay more money for less food. I understand that at the end of the day, you are a business and if you are still selling your food and making money, then you are successful, but I feel that if you hadn’t raised the price or had continued to sell the same size and quantity of food, you would make more money because more people would be willing to eat your food.

I don’t visit your establishment nearly as much as I used to because of these unfortunate modifications. I would be so much more inclined to eat there more often if this was not the case. I, as well as many of my hungry friends, urge you to reconsider this price change and chicken pinching.


Thank you for considering,

A very sad and hungry boy