Parents » Carpool Procedures

Carpool Procedures

Drop Off & Pick-Up Information

Primary Campus:

The school hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. All students are to be dropped off and picked up at the designated carpool spot in the parking lot behind the school. Students may be dropped off at school beginning at 7:30 a.m. At 8:00 a.m. the parent and student must use the front entrance and the parent needs to sign the student in before he joins his class. Students must be picked up at carpool by 3:20 p.m. or they will be escorted to aftercare. If you park on Mendez Street and walk in to pick up your child, you must wait for the teacher to get the class safely lined up before walking over to notify your child’s teacher that you are taking your child.  Please do not stand by the gate and allow your child to walk to you.

All parents will utilize the morning carpool line and will not walk their children into the school building. Early Childhood (PreK-1st Grades) parents may walk their son into school through August; Lower School (2nd-4th Grades) parents will drop off their son through carpool beginning on the first day of school. The back door will close at 8:00am sharp – late arrivals should use the front entrance to sign in tardy.

Please do not enter the parking lot from Mendez Street.

Because adult supervision is not available before 7:30 a.m. or after 3:20 p.m., the school cannot assume responsibility for students who arrive before 7:30 a.m. or stay past 3:20 p.m. unless they are involved in a school-supervised or faculty-directed activity.

PLEASE NOTE: On rainy day arrivals, parents should park in the parking lot in the back of the school and escort their children to the cafeteria porch where a teacher will meet them. For afternoon rainy dismissal, parents wait on the cafeteria porch until the students are brought to them. The school will make rainy-day dismissal determinations at 2:45 p.m. Parents are asked to wait in carpool line until such decision is made and announced via public address system.

Early dismissal of Primary Grades will occur on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. School will dismiss at 2:30 and there will be regularly scheduled aftercare from 2:50 to 5:30 with no tutoring or homework help. Aftercare fees will be charged on these days beginning at 3:00.

Middle & High School Campus:

Supervised Drop-Off:

Supervised student drop-off will take place on Paris Avenue beginning at 7:20 a.m. each morning. Please line up on Prentiss Avenue and turn onto Paris Avenue staying in the far right lane along the sidewalk and proceed to the front of the school. This includes students being dropped off for “zero period” activities before school, such as band or athletics. Please be courteous and follow the instructions of staff on duty. 


For the safety of our students and staff, parents are not allowed to drop off or pick up in either the Faculty or Student Parking lot.


Supervised Pick-Up:

Supervised student pick-up will take place on Paris Avenue until 3:15p.m. Parents wishing to avoid the line may park across Paris Avenue, Crescent Street (in front of the Student Center) or Prentiss Avenue. All students not utilizing the car line must use the crosswalks at Crescent and Prentiss and are NEVER allowed to cross the neutral ground. We ask that you be courteous of our neighbors, never blocking the street or driveways.

Any student remaining on campus after 3:15 p.m. will be directed to After-Care Supervision located in the Cafeteria.


Because adult supervision for drop-off and pick-up is not available before 7:20 a.m. or after 3:15 p.m., the school cannot assume responsibility for students who arrive before 7:20 a.m. or stay past 3:15 p.m. unless they are involved in a school-supervised or faculty-directed activity.


Any students not in compliance with the above policy could face disciplinary action.


Carpool Connection (Facebook Group)